
Pradeep Dhobale
A BTech from IIT, Bombay, Pradeep was the Wholetime Director on the Board of ITC Limited, (a Conglomerate with over 8 billion US $ in revenues), since January, 2011. He held the responsibility for FMCG businesses of ITC viz Foods, Personal Care, Cigarettes, etc. He is also on the Board of Surya Nepal Pvt Ltd, Nepal and King Makers Marketing Inc., USA.
Prior to this, he held charge for Paperboards & Specialty Papers and Packaging Businesses of ITC, and also represented the Finance & IT Functions on the ITC Board.
Mr. Dhobale joined ITC Bhadrachalam Paperboards Limited as Management Trainee in July 1977. He climbed the Company’s hierarchical ladder swiftly from Management Trainee in 1977 to become the Company’s Managing Director on 1st January, 1999. Following the amalgamation of ITC Bhadrachalam with ITC in March 2002, and subsequent merger of Bhadrachalam Paperboards Division with Tribeni Tissues Division, Mr. Dhobale took charge of the Paperboards & Specialty Papers Division as its Divisional Chief Executive. Mr. Dhobale is known for his people-oriented leadership style, expertise in Manufacturing and Sustainability, and commercial acumen.
Mr. Dhobale is credited with the successful turnaround of ITC Bhadrachalam in 2001, and exponential growth thereafter. He spearheaded the growth involving the capital infusion of over US $ 500 million through brownfield organic growth as well as acquisitions. Under his leadership, ITC’s Bhadrachalam Mill has emerged as the largest single-location paper mill in the country producing more than 500,000 tonnes of papers & boards. Under his stewardship, and in line with ITC’s sustainability strategy, 200000 hectares of plantations were developed, the pioneering ECF and Ozone Bleaching Technology were introduced, ITC became a member of the Global Forest and Trade Network (GFTN), and successfully implemented a number of ‘Clean Development Mechanism’ Projects.
Industry Activities:
Mr. Dhobale is an active member of several industry bodies.
He is the past President of the Indian Paper Manufacturers Association (IPMA); past Chairman of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).
Amongst others, he is a Chairman of the Development Council for Pulp, Paper and Allied Industries, and Chairman of CII National Committee on Environment.
Mr. Dhobale is also the Founder President of the Indian School of Business – Centre for Executive Education Alumni Association, Hyderabad Chapter.
On behalf of ITC, he is also a Founding Member of India GHG Program of World Resources Institute